REALITY LESSONS - FREE WILL & INFLUENCE is a program I’ve designed and developed to showcase how people’s free will and decision making can be taken from them or used against them.

Regardless of age, people are being scammed and manipulated right now, either by phone & email scams, social media Influencers, Artificial Intelligence visually and aurally and countless other advertisers and media outlets.

It’s easy in an information overload run world to relax and be taken off guard by any type of manipulation you may be aware of, let alone ones that you don’t know exist.

In my REALITY LESSONS program I have fun with the participants and we alll have a laugh and learn to be vigilant against manipulation and control. Everyone gets to be involved in a variety of different presentations and games,utilising items such as paperclips, picture cards and wordplay while realising along the way that free will can be taken easier than it can be returned.

Part of this program involves an email that I will send to the booker/group leader a week before my presentation, but can’t be opened until the day of the performance. Just like a sealed envelope.

This email will contain predictions that will happen during the show, demonstrating that my use of influence, persuasion and manipulation techniques can easily be applied with a little psychological know-how.

Unfortunately, the scammers out there don’t leave people laughing or happy.

Contact me today for more information about this unique program that is bound to open ALL participants eyes!